Vales – Una Voce March 2017
ANDREWS, Daera | BARLOW, Lt Peter Donald | GRACE, Geoff | HERA, ‘Sir’ Pendepa | HEWITT Peter Ronald | HOLDER, Iain | HOLT, Colin Raymond (aka Tim) | JONES, Paul Milton | MARVELL, Peter...
ANDREWS, Daera | BARLOW, Lt Peter Donald | GRACE, Geoff | HERA, ‘Sir’ Pendepa | HEWITT Peter Ronald | HOLDER, Iain | HOLT, Colin Raymond (aka Tim) | JONES, Paul Milton | MARVELL, Peter...
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75th ANNIVERSARY SERVICES RABAUL and MONTEVIDEO MARU – to be held in RABAUL on 22 JUNE 2017, the AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL, CANBERRA, ACT, on 1 July 2017. These services remember all those lost in...
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Plantation life is largely the untold story of TPNG. There are several reasons for this. Plantation owners and managers were practical doers rather than reporters and recorders. Clearing, planting, harvesting and labour management were...
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A renowned Brisbane paediatrician whose work led to the fencing of backyard pools to prevent toddler drownings has received the Royal Life Saving Society’s most prestigious award from the Queen at Buckingham Palace. Professor...
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