

HEBOU PNG Barramundis By Patrick Bourke

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  Line of Fire by Ian Townsend ISBN: 9781460750926 Paperback and EBook 2017 304pp Non fiction $29.99 Photos, notes and references Available from book stores. The little known and intriguing WWII story of an...


Plantation Life by Ralph Sawyer

Plantation life is largely the untold story of TPNG. There are several reasons for this. Plantation owners and managers were practical doers rather than reporters and recorders. Clearing, planting, harvesting and labour management were...


Memorial News

75th ANNIVERSARY SERVICES RABAUL and MONTEVIDEO MARU – to be held in RABAUL on 22 JUNE 2017, the AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL, CANBERRA, ACT, on 1 July 2017. These services remember all those lost in...


The Port Moresby Game Fishing Association

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Rotary PNG Project

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