Category: Places


Shake Baby Shake

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Places Across New Ireland by foot, Peter Comerford Badihagwa Cemetery, Port Moresby by Chris Warrillow Barrick Gold 8000 feet above sea level, Gary Faulks Blackcat trek, Andy Pirie Cruise to Rabaul, Bob Cleland Emirau,...


Waste not: Denis Compston

I was manager of Potsdam Plantation for four years in the early 60s and no doubt a few readers of Una Voce will have read some of my short stories of plantation life. otsdam...


Waste not: Denis Compston

I was manager of Potsdam Plantation for four years in the early 60s and no doubt a few readers of Una Voce will have read some of my short stories of plantation life. otsdam...


Kiunga rubber 40 years later: George Greenwood

Recently my wife and I returned to Kiunga after 40-odd years to see the results of my planting the first rubber in Kiunga. The Honourable Warren Dutton, OBE, and his delightful wife Joy’s hospitality...


Kiunga rubber 40 years later: George Greenwood

Recently my wife and I returned to Kiunga after 40-odd years to see the results of my planting the first rubber in Kiunga. The Honourable Warren Dutton, OBE, and his delightful wife Joy’s hospitality...


Taim tudak (Time of darkness): Peter Barter

Volcanic eruptions have long fascinated people. Almost everybody knows something about the 1883 eruption of Krakatau (Indonesia), commonly regarded as the biggest during the last few hundred years. Such knowledge stems from detailed field...


Goroka revisited: Bob Cleland

In my article Cruise to Rabaul, I ended saying how I had found, among the people I met, “…an eagerness for the upcoming elections and the hope that a new government could set PNG...


Rabaul Cenotaph: Gerry McGrade

For many years, a few Rabaul residents had been gathering at the Cenotaph in Central Avenue, once the civic heart of the town to participate in the Dawn Service ensuring the memory of those...


Goroka revisited: Bob Cleland

In my article Cruise to Rabaul, I ended saying how I had found, among the people I met, “…an eagerness for the upcoming elections and the hope that a new government could set PNG...


Rabaul Cenotaph: Gerry McGrade

For many years, a few Rabaul residents had been gathering at the Cenotaph in Central Avenue, once the civic heart of the town to participate in the Dawn Service ensuring the memory of those...