Category: PNGAA business


Letters & Enquiries

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PNGAA Brisbane Lunch

  In less than two weeks time on Sunday 26 July those joining us for lunch at The Ship Inn will now be sitting down to an enjoyable meal and the pleasant company of...



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John Quinn Exhibition

John Quinn Exhibition: “Liklik Samting Long Taim Bifor” (Trans: Small things from times past), a collection of artefacts and photographs from Papua New Guinea at Gallery 127. 13-15 York Ave, Avoca. Friday to Monday:...


PNGAA: Victoria Christmas Lunch

Our Christmas Lunch will be held on Saturday 17 November. Members and friends all welcome!  Venue: Caulfield RSL Date: Saturday 17 November 2018 Time: 11:30-3:30pm Lunch: Pre-ordered prior to the day and paid for...


PNGAA Christmas Luncheon: Perth

Merry Christmas Perth PNGAA People!! Friday 30th November 11am for a 12 noon sitting Counter lunch at: Royal Australian Air Force Association Club Air Force Memorial Estate 2 Bull Creek Drive, Bull Creek WA...

PNGAA Christmas Luncheon – Sydney 2018

Book on-line – Now All PNGAA Members, guests and friends are invited to attend the annual Christmas luncheon in Sydney. It is a great opportunity to catch up with ‘old’ acquaintances and make some...