Author: president


Vale March 1983

BLUMBERG, Alexis |  BUTLER, Leonard Francis |  EWART, Norman |  HEALEY, Clarence T |  MANTLE, Dorothy |  WELLS, Gladstone |  WOOD, Jeffrey |    Norman EWART (10 December 1982) Malaria Control Officer in Health Department until 1965.   Alexis BLUMBERG (11...


Vale Una Voce December 1982

ANGELL, Geoffrey |  BELL (neé Tolhurst), Patricia |  FARRINGTON, Harold |  HARRIS, Nan |  LEABEATER, Thomas |  MacINNES, Douglas Ryan |  MASON-PETTIFER, Richard |  MORRISSEY [Mrs] |  SUTTIE, Dorothy |  VERTIGAN, Don, MBE |    Patricia BELL (neé Tolhurst) (October 1982) A clerical lady...


Vale Una Voce September 1982

BELL, John W |  BIRD, Jessie |  CHAMPION, Claude |  COX, Harry |  LEVY, Ian |  MILNE, Fitzroy K |  MONCUR, Percy (Monty) |  RIGBY, John (Reg) |  SUTTIE, W J  |  VICKERY, Frank |  WEBSTER, James |    James WEBSTER (22 March 1982) Formerly...


Vale Una Voce March 1982

ARMSTRONG, H [Mrs] |  BOWMAN, Clive |  ERBEN, Mireck |  FOWLER, Rod |  MOLINE, Eric |  OWNER, Don |  SCHMIDT, I [Mrs] |  THOMAS, Howard (Mike) |  THOMPSON, Harry |    H ARMSTRONG [Mrs] (January 1982) No details available.   Don OWNER (6...


Vale December 1981

BREMEN, Earnest (Ernie) J (November[?] 1981) Earnest (Ernie) J BREMEN (November[?] 1981) “Ernie” was a pre- and post-war Customs Officer, ending his career as Controller of Customs. He was also a very fine cricketer:...


Vale October 1981

BALFOUR-OLGIVY, ‘Bunny’ |  EGGINK, John |  HENDERSON, M [Mrs] |  McMULLEN, R [Mrs] |  NORMOYLE, Chris |  PFENG, Ronald | STITT, John    R McMULLEN [Mrs] (3 January 1981) Widow of Ken McMullen, a former NG field officer, Army...


Vale December 1980

ANDERSON, A |  COCHRANE, Percy |  DIX, Bill |  FOLEY, Kerry |  JONES, Frank |  McLAREN, Lorna |    Percy COCHRANE (29 September 1980) Most members would have heard the resonant tones of Percy in the educational broadcasts from the...


Vale September 1980

CROCKETT, John (Jack) Arnold John (Jack) Arnold CROCKETT (14 September 1980) Jack (or ‘Davey’) Crockett was a POW in two wars, and an Accountant in Sunshine Gold Development pre-World War II. Joining the Administration...


Vale June 1980

SMITH, A L | STONG, H A L SMITH (December 1979) Formerly Posts and Telegraphs: no other details published. H STONG (Mrs) (January[?] 1980) Widow of Harold George Strong: no other details published.


Vale March 1980

Published in Una Voce of January, March and April 1980 BOSGARD, H |  BRENNAN, R |  BURKE, C |  BYRON, M (Peg) |  HENDERSON, T C |  RIDGE, Arthur |  SHARP, John A |  WILD, Leigh V |    C BURKE (1979/80):...


Vale September 1979

COLEMAN, A D (Toby) | CRUISE, B ERSKINE | A D (Toby) COLEMAN (1979) Formerly with Elcom in Rabaul B CRUISE [Mrs] (1979) Wife of Jack Cruise who was Government Chemist in Rabaul before...


Vale October 1978

ADAMSON, Charles |  BENSON, Geoffrey |  BLOOD, Neptune (Nep) |  DAWE, Leonard |  MULCAHY, Bodelia |  RALPH, Richard |  ROBINSON, Alice |  STOCK, Esther |    Geoffrey BENSON (1978) Geoff Benson served in PNG in the Army in World War II and...