Kiap Honour Roll

With thanks to Paul Oates and the many people who have contributed to this Honour Roll, September 2011

1897, 14 January: John Green, Government Agent, Tamata Government Station, Northern Division, British New Guinea, attacked and killed by the Orakaiva people while on active service.

1933, 10 June: Ian Mack, Assistant District Officer, died in Lae from wounds inflicted from an attack at Aiamontina Village, Agarabi Census Division, Kainantu, then Upper Ramu, Central Highlands, Mandated Territory of New Guinea.

1935, 28 February: Edward Colin McDonald, Assistant District Officer attacked and killed while on active service at Ambunti, Territory of New Guinea.

1936, 19 December: Thomas Alfred Hough, Patrol Officer, died from arrow wounds inflicted in attack on 7 December 1936, Upper Leron River, Morobe District, Territory of New Guinea.

1939, 1 July: Neil Campbell Elliott, Patrol Officer, murdered at Wanali village, Aitape, Sepik District, Territory of New Guinea.

1942, 31 December: Assistant District Officer Roy Mader died with five Papuan companions from wounds received by knife attack while attempting to investigate/arrest one Burlga; a “Cargo Cult” leader at Motorina Island, Milne Bay District.

1942, 1 July – Assistant District Officer J E Daymond lost, presumed killed, when the Montevido Maru, an unmarked Japanese ship, was inadvertently torpedoed by USN submarine Sturgeon, WWII.

1942, 1 July: District Officer H A Gregory lost, presumed killed, when the Montevido Maru, an unmarked Japanese ship, was inadvertently torpedoed by USN submarine Sturgeon WWII.

1942, 1 July: District Officer F W Mantle lost, presumed killed, when the Montevido Maru, an unmarked Japanese ship, was inadvertently torpedoed by USN submarine Sturgeon WWII.

1942, 1 July: Patrol Officer E H Mitchell lost, presumed killed, when the Montevido Maru, an unmarked Japanese ship, was inadvertently torpedoed by USN submarine Sturgeon WWII.

1942, 1 September: Assistant District Officer A F Kyle executed by the Japanese occupying forces at Nago Island near Kavieng, New Island District, WWII.

1942, 1 September: Patrol Officer Greg Benham executed by the Japanese occupying forces at Nago Island Near Kavieng, New Ireland District, WWII.

1942: Patrol Officer Murray Edwards killed in unknown circumstances at Kavieng, New Ireland District, WWII.

1944, 17 January: Patrol Officer / Lt Lloyd Pursehouse was killed by a lone Japanese sniper at Sio, north of Finschhafen, while operating in support of the 2/17th Battalion at the end of the Huon Peninsula campaign, WWII.

1944, March: Patrol Officer / Lt Leigh Vial was killed when a military plane crashed in the highlands, WWII.

1946, 18 June: Patrol Officer George Charlton Tuckey died in Kundiawa.

1946-47: Patrol Officer John William Sims died from a gunshot wound, Vanimo, Sepik District.

1950, September: Cadet Patrol Officer Peter Evans, missing Port Moresby.

1951, 21 January: District Commissioner Cecil Cowley killed in Mount Lamington eruption.

1951, 21 January: Cadet Patrol Officer James Ian James killed in Mount Lamington eruption.

1951, 21 January: Cadet Patrol Officer Athol James Earl killed in Mount Lamington eruption.

1951, 21 January: Cadet Patrol Officer Kevin Victor Bradford killed in Mount Lamington eruption.

1951, December: Assistant District Officer Ken Earle killed in anaircraft crash near Wapenamanda, Western Highlands, while accompanying Department of Civil Aviation on an aerial inspection of an airstrip under construction.

1953, November: Patrol Officer Gerald Szarka and Cadet Patrol Officer Geoffrey Harris, together with Constables Purari and Buritori, Royal Papua & New Guinea Constabulary, murdered on patrol from Telefomin in the Eliptamin valley, Sepik.

1955, October: Patrol Officer John Short died of illness contracted whilst on patrol, Tauri River, Kerema.

1961, 23 November: Cadet Patrol Officer Fergus Anderson drowned whilst on patrol, Tauri River.

1964, 8 September: Cadet Patrol Officer Alan Lewis Cleeve died, aged 21 years, following a motor boat accident on the Aramia River, a tributary of the Bamu River in the Balimo Sub District, Western District as it was then known. His body was recovered pinned to the outboard propeller and he was buried in The Old European Cemetery, Port Moresby. A memorial plate is sited in front of the Balimo Sub District Office.

1970: Patrol Officer Harry Balfour-Ogilvy was killed along with his wife, Esther, and infant daughters, Deborah and Sandra; and Assistant District Officer, Dave Robertson, Esa’ala, in an Aztec crash in Milne Bay District.

1971, 11 August: District Commissioner E. J. Emanuel murdered at Kabaira Bay, Gazelle Peninsula, New Britain.

1972: Patrol Officer Alan Shipway, with his son Steven aged 13 and his domestic servant, died in a Skyvan crash between Minj and Mendi.

1972, 27 September: Assistant District Officer Marcus (Taffy) Layshon Watkins, drowned whilst on patrol, Om River, Oksapmin, Telefomin.

1973, 16 November: Assistant District Commissioner Desmond John Murphy attacked and killed while on active service in Kerema, Gulf District.

1974: District Officer John Absolom died in a boating accident in the Milne Bay District. A lifejacket was washed up but his body was never found.

1977/78: Don Simmins, Assistant District Commissioner, Minj, was killed on duty whilst travelling between Mount Hagen and Minj.

Much time has been spent in collating this information. However if anyone has any corrections or further information, please email the Una Voce editor.

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