Category: Political Development



Paul Quinlivan’s Snapshots In late 1954, soon after Professor Elkin, the editor of Sydney University’s anthropology journal Oceania told me he wanted to publish my article “AFEK of Telefomin” but was experiencing difficulty getting...


1. Sell-out in Manus, 1946-48

Paul Quinlivan’s Snapshots   Paul Quinlivan was prompted to send us the following after reading Brian Jink’s ‘Help Wanted’ notice regarding” an episode in Manus in 1948 when police under Commissioner Grimshaw were sent...


2. Slipshod and you’re in trouble

Paul Quinlivan’s Snapshots Before I went to TPNG I had been Secretary of the Marist College Old Boys Association of WA and, since everyone knew I intended going to PNG for only the one...


12. What “Trusteeship” means, Part one

Paul Quinlivan’s Snapshots In the Jameson Case I produced evidence that he had used several different schemes for stealing the money, all of them directed against village people and never against European or Asian...