PERTH: PNGAA WA Catch Up—Friday, 3 May 2024

The PNGAA WA meets quarterly in Perth and sometimes members catch up outside of the larger group. There was a recent get-together at the RAAFA Club, Bull Creek, a suburb of Perth, on 3 May (photos below) and their winter luncheon was held on Friday, 16 August, at the same venue, with Peter Worsley OAM as guest speaker. Photos will be included in the next issue.

BRISBANE: Operation Rimau & Commando Day—Sunday, 7 July 2024

Papua New Guinea Volunteer Rifles Ex-Members Association President, Phil Ainsworth, Vice President Bob Collins and Andrea Williams, PNGAA and Montevideo Maru Society, attended the above day for the Australian Commando Association, on board HMAS Diamantina at the Qld Maritime Museum. This service is held each year to remember both Operation Rimau, the second commando raid on Singapore Harbour, in the latter months of 1944, resulting in all the attacking party being killed in action, by drowning, dying of wounds or being executed, mostly just prior to WWII, and the Commandos who have died in service since WWII. It was a moving ceremony and Phil Ainsworth laid a wreath on behalf of the Association.

BRISBANE: PNGAA Members & Friends Annual Lunch—Sunday, 28 July 2024

Almost 50 guests gathered in the relaxed garden setting of  The Ship Inn for the annual Brisbane lunch. From a modest list of RSVPs, the numbers swelled to include guests from North and South Coasts, the hinterlands, Moreton Bay Islands and Brisbane.

We were pleased to welcome the PNG Consul-General, Mr Reatau Rau and his wife, Mrs Susan Rau. Mr Rau extended an invitation for everyone to visit the consulate offices and the sincerity of this invitation was welcomed with loud applause from the group: PNG Consulate-General, Level 1, 316 Adelaide St, Brisbane. Hours of Business Monday–Friday: General Enquiries: 8.30 am–4.30 pm. PH +61 07 3221 7915.

Two books were donated to the consulate by the authors: When the Garamuts Beat: A memoir of 50 years in Bougainville, by Franz Miltrup SM, edited by Christine Leonard, and The Papua Bugle Call 1939–1945: The War and its Ultimate Effects, by Helene L Cronin (née Foley) OAM (see Christine’s Editorial on page 7).

A special welcome was made to Guest Speaker, Christine Leonard, who talked about her stewardship as editor of the PNG Kundu journal, and Rosalie Everest, who recently returned from laying her mother’s ashes in Papua New Guinea (PNG Kundu, June 2024, p 26).

Thoughts were also offered to the past lunch event organiser, Kieran Nelson. Kieran’s widow, Frances, sent apologies and warm wishes to all. 

This lunch is held every year on the last Sunday in July. So put it in your 2025 diary now. Next year will be the 50th anniversary of PNG Independence and it’s sure to be a celebration not to be missed!  

Belinda Macartney

CAIRNS: Ex-Kiaps Meeting—Saturday, 27 July 2024

Former kiaps, friends and family gathered recently at Yorkeys Knob Boating Club in Cairns. About 45 people attended with many coming from far away places—Steven (1980) and Delilah Peters from Lae, Frank Leibfried (1960) and Shushila Desai from Tasmania, Mike Press (1966) from Darwin and Rick Rogerson and Kay Mori from Perth.

We welcomed wives of departed kiaps—Genevieve Cavanagh, Lois Logan, Maxine Wright and Patti Hiatt. We also had an anthropological cohort—Prof. Rosita Henry, Dr Michael Wood from JCU Cairns and A/Prof. Monica Minnegal from Melbourne.

An enjoyable time was had by all re-telling, and embellishing, stories from a life far away and long ago.

Deryck Thompson

SYDNEY: Chatswood Networking—18 November 2024

Think about joining one of the Sydney networking sessions co-ordinated by Roy Ranney at the Chatswood Bowling Club.

Anywhere up to ten members generally turn up on the third Monday of the month each quarter. It’s an informal get-together.

The last social gathering was on Monday, 19 August, and the next will be on Monday, 18 November. If Chatswood isn’t too far out of your way, try to make it sometime. You will be made most welcome.

SYDNEY: PNGAA Annual Christmas Lunch—1 December 2024

Further details will be available soon on the PNGAA website and in the next journal.

PERTH: PNGAA Christmas Lunch—29 November 2024

Venue: RAAFA Club, Bull Creek, 11.30 am to 3.30 pm.

MELBOURNE: Paradise Palette—Contemporary Art from Papua New Guinea—27 Nov–10 Dec 2024

Venue: SOL Gallery, Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, Melbourne

Curated by Don Wotton on belhalf of the PNG street artists.


Worked for Burns Philp in Popondetta and Port Moresby from 1980 through 1987

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