Public Documents

The following historical documents are available for all to download and enjoy.

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Black Pearls and Red Tide

The Study of the occurrence of the Red Tide in PNG by Jay Maclean

A History New Guinea’s Sepik Region

An epic story of the Sepik by Laurie Bragge – Eight parts – Large Document

BOUGAINVILLE: before the conflict

An account of the life on Bougainville prior to the conflict by Anthony Regan & Helga Griffin

History of the Kokoda Track Walkway

Presentation made at the AGM (1/5/21) by Director, Alice Kang

Man Bilong Draipela Bus

Banjo Patterson verse in Tok Pisin

The Search for Nicolasa

Adam Phillip Liu


Worked for Burns Philp in Popondetta and Port Moresby from 1980 through 1987

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