Category: Political Development


Communications: Paul Oates

The Daily Radio Sked Arriving at my first Patrol Post in 1969, I was introduced to that slender and sometimes tenuous life line of TPNG outstations, the radio schedule or ‘sked’. In 1969 in...


A reunion 50 years in the making

In stark contrast to the 1962-1963 Cadet Education Officers (aka The Reunion Junkies), the first official reunion of the 1963-1964 CEOs has been held. Thirteen of the 38 who attended the Passing Out Ceremony...


Karo Araua: Maxwell Hayes

The story of Karo Araua, Armed Constabulary (Papua), who was hanged for murder told by Maxwell R Hayes, Royal PNG Constabulary 1959-1974. In 1884, the Crown Colony of Queensland annexed a portion of the...


Island trader, Gordon Harris

This story was found amongst papers written by Gordon Harris, formerly of Biwa Plantation on Djaul Island in the New Ireland Province. They were provided to the PNGAA by MaryLou Uechtritz. The islands off...


SY Komet

In the September 2003 issue of Una Voce, Dick Doyle raised a question about the fate of the German gunboat, the Komet, hidden in the spectacular Johan Albrecht Harbour at Witu during the start...


The die was cast! Peter Goerman

Perhaps it is the result of having read Coral Island and Somerset Maugham at an impressionable age, but the South Pacific islands have always evoked a powerfully romantic image with me. Mention the South...


The Hagen Country Club: Chips MacKellar

(Published in Una Voce, September 1998, page 5) Malcolm (Chips) MacKellar 1953-1955 CPO Daru and Lake Murray (Western District) 1955-1956 P.O. Mount Hagen (Western Highlands District) 1957 ASOPA Long Course 1958-1964 PO at Madang...


A taxing time: Bob Piper

The tax office for Papua New Guinea in the mid-1960s was located adjacent to the main wharf at Port Moresby. For the staff downstairs it was hot and often dusty but the assessors, upstairs,...


The annexation of New Guinea

Expansion of colonial interests in the Pacific – Queensland Govt Gazette – 1876. A refusal by the Crown to support Queensland in its quest for annexation of PNG. A reflection of interests and attitudes of...