75th Anniversary RABAUL and MONTEVIDEO MARU Memorial Tour 2017
A unique opportunity to spend a few days in Rabaul and see all the sites – if you are interested you will need to book as soon as possible. Full details are on the...
A unique opportunity to spend a few days in Rabaul and see all the sites – if you are interested you will need to book as soon as possible. Full details are on the...
RABAUL on Thursday 22 JUNE 2017 To remember all those lost in the New Guinea islands in 1942 the 75th anniversary service will be held on dusk at the Montevideo Maru and Rabaul 1942-1945 Memorial,...
A service to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the fall of the New Guinea islands in early 1942 and the sinking of the Montevideo Maru on 1 July 1942 will be held at the...
Rabaul and Montevideo Maru 75th Anniversary Commemorative Dinner at Canberra Mercure on 1 July 2017, following 1pm service at Australian War Memorial, Canberra. Time: 6.00pm Venue: Mercure Canberra, Corner of Ainslie and Limestone Ave,...
The 66th Annual General Meeting of the PNGAA will be held on 30 April 2017 following a short Special General Meeting (SGM) to consider a proposal amending the quorum for an AGM.
PNGAA Queensland members will have two opportunities to choose from to escape the summer heat with tours planned for an exhibition of PNG art at the Queensland Art Gallery. No 1 Neighbour | Art...
11.30am Friday, 4 November 2016 at Bull Creek Airforce Club Come along and enjoy Everyone is invited RSVP 26 October 2016 Linda 9434 2628 or lindam121@bigpond.com
WHERE: Public Schools Club, Sandford House, 207 East Terrace, Adelaide Barry Taverner will speak on ‘Return Journeys’ Contact Jan Kleinig janis.kleinig@bigpond.com 0438 032 640 Or Peter Thomas pjthomas@ihug.com.au 0438 642 294
PNGAA Perth lunch at RAAF Club, Bull Creek. Contact Linda Cavanaugh Manning – 08 94342628 or lindam121@bigpond.com
When: Friday 11 November 2016 – Novotel Wollongong Northbeach and Saturday 12 November 2016 – Dinner, Ocean Room, City Beach Function Centre, Wollongong RSVP: 30 August 2016 The total cost for the two weekend...
PNGAA Brisbane – It’s been too long! Come to lunch and say hello to our Brisbane members and meet the new editor for Una Voce. WHEN Sunday 16 October 11.30am WHERE Ship Inn (Beer...
When: Sunday 4 December 2016 from 11.30am onwards Where: Killara Golf Club, 556 Pacific Highway, Killara, NSW Cost: $65 per person RSVP: 19 November 2016 Contact Organiser: Sara Email: events@pngaa.net Payment to PNGAA, Bank CBA; BSB...
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