Category: Economic Development


An incident in Poroma: Gerald Yates

The beautiful gently undulating valley of Poroma was the place we had decided to set up our business as a trading company. This was way back in 1968. The three of us with very...


The Jimi River Road: Jim Moore

Follow-up to article Jimi River by Robert Blaikie. Jim Moore was a kiap 1965-1974 Robert remembered looking for a possible track from the Waghi to the Jimi in 1957. I started as a CPO...


Sailing canoe: Peter Worsley

This description of a large sailing canoe was requested by Dr Michael McCarthy during his research prior to writing his book Ships’ Fastenings: From Sewn Boat to Steamship. Texas A&M University Press, 2005. In...


MV Thetis: Rod Noble

In 1955 I travelled on this vessel for several days. I do not know why, and I do not know whether I went upstream or downstream. That is unusual because I do remember the...


The loss of VH-VQQ: Derek Crisp

This is transcribed from the original typewritten manuscript. The original appears in a number of illustrations in the Photo Gallery “One of the Early Birds: Derek (Jos) Elwyn Crisp”, starting with this page. It...


Diwai bilong Missis Kwin: Keith Wall

A few years after Independence, I was teaching at the Civil Aviation Agency Training College (CATC) at Taldora (Six Mile) in Port Moresby. A group of young men and women were about to graduate...


Some flying memories: George Oakes

It was February 1954, and I was at Goroka airport with two other Cadet Patrol Officers, Max Allwood and Neil McNamara. We were about to board a Norseman for a flight to Mt Hagen...


About pumps and fuel: Jim Eames

One of the nice things about  being editor of the New Guinea Times Courier in Lae in the ’60s was the close relationships you forged with some of the people in the aviation industry....