Category: Economic Development


An incident in Poroma: Gerald Yates

The beautiful gently undulating valley of Poroma was the place we had decided to set up our business as a trading company. This was way back in 1968. The three of us with very...


The Jimi River Road: Jim Moore

Follow-up to article Jimi River by Robert Blaikie. Jim Moore was a kiap 1965-1974 Robert remembered looking for a possible track from the Waghi to the Jimi in 1957. I started as a CPO...


Sailing canoe: Peter Worsley

This description of a large sailing canoe was requested by Dr Michael McCarthy during his research prior to writing his book Ships’ Fastenings: From Sewn Boat to Steamship. Texas A&M University Press, 2005. In...


MV Thetis: Rod Noble

In 1955 I travelled on this vessel for several days. I do not know why, and I do not know whether I went upstream or downstream. That is unusual because I do remember the...


The loss of VH-VQQ: Derek Crisp

This is transcribed from the original typewritten manuscript. The original appears in a number of illustrations in the Photo Gallery “One of the Early Birds: Derek (Jos) Elwyn Crisp”, starting with this page. It...


Diwai bilong Missis Kwin: Keith Wall

A few years after Independence, I was teaching at the Civil Aviation Agency Training College (CATC) at Taldora (Six Mile) in Port Moresby. A group of young men and women were about to graduate...


Some flying memories: George Oakes

It was February 1954, and I was at Goroka airport with two other Cadet Patrol Officers, Max Allwood and Neil McNamara. We were about to board a Norseman for a flight to Mt Hagen...