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Penny and I were recently invited up to Port Moresby by Toyota Tsusho in Brisbane to attend the 50th Anniversary of Toyota in PNG. We flew up from Brisbane on Sunday 22 September to...
William John Robins passed away on 08 November 2012, aged 99 years. This article was scheduled for inclusion in the June 2013 Una Voce, but was inadvertently deleted from the final print edition. The...
The beautiful gently undulating valley of Poroma was the place we had decided to set up our business as a trading company. This was way back in 1968. The three of us with very...
Follow-up to article Jimi River by Robert Blaikie. Jim Moore was a kiap 1965-1974 Robert remembered looking for a possible track from the Waghi to the Jimi in 1957. I started as a CPO...
This description of a large sailing canoe was requested by Dr Michael McCarthy during his research prior to writing his book Ships’ Fastenings: From Sewn Boat to Steamship. Texas A&M University Press, 2005. In...
In 1955 I travelled on this vessel for several days. I do not know why, and I do not know whether I went upstream or downstream. That is unusual because I do remember the...
When I was a mere lad back in the 60s, the Aussie/TPNG Dept of Civil Aviation approved me to carry out the training, checking and supervision of new chums on various aircraft types, but...
While stationed at Wau as the Patrol Officer in late 1972, over Christmas my fiancée came to visit. She worked for a short while as a casual at the New Guinea Gold Mining (NGG)...
PRG 1373/15/4. Loch Katrine 1880 Courtesy of State Library Named after a Scottish lake, the rusting remains of this once magnificent clipper have been very visible on one of our Papua New Guinea foreshores...
This is transcribed from the original typewritten manuscript. The original appears in a number of illustrations in the Photo Gallery “One of the Early Birds: Derek (Jos) Elwyn Crisp”, starting with this page. It...
A few years after Independence, I was teaching at the Civil Aviation Agency Training College (CATC) at Taldora (Six Mile) in Port Moresby. A group of young men and women were about to graduate...
When the wheels of the Etihad Airways Airbus A330 Flight 055 lifted off the ground in Abu Dhabi bound for Brussels on 30 March 2013, another milestone in Papua New Guinea aviation history was...
It was February 1954, and I was at Goroka airport with two other Cadet Patrol Officers, Max Allwood and Neil McNamara. We were about to board a Norseman for a flight to Mt Hagen...
“Julie, have you got a curved needle and some strong thread?” “I think so, I’ll look. Why do you want it?” “Because I want to sew up a DC3.” “Ooooh . . . ....