Category: Cultural insights



In my early years in PNG, I had such horrible experiences with crocodiles that, to this day, memories of these experiences still survive to haunt me. And I warn you too, that if horror...


The crocodiles of Lake Murray

Lake Murray is a Shangri-la for crocodiles and water snakes. Fish and freshwater turtles abounded too when I was there in the early 50s, and the local Suki people lived well on fresh food...


A New Guinea Christmas

Sialum Patrol Post was situated on the north-eastern tip of the Huon Peninsular about 60 miles north of Finschhafen, the sub district headquarters. I say ‘about 60 miles’ because the Lutheran Missionary at Kalasa...

Walk into Paradise 0

Walk into Paradise DVD

Available to buy from PNGAA – see below The Committee of the PNGAA is proud to announce the release of the DVD Walk into Paradise, the classic 1950s feature film, directed by Lee Robinson...


Book reviews: March 2014

Fire mountains of the islands: A history of volcanic eruptions and disaster management in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands by Wally Johnson Needed—but not wanted: Chinese in Rabaul 1884-1960 by Peter Cahill...


Book reviews: December 2013

The Backroom Boys by Graeme Sligo Beautiful Tufi: Between the past and the future by Jan Hasselberg Fools’ Gold by David Pye The Backroom Boys by Graeme Sligo ISBN 9781921941122 Big Sky Publishing, PO...


Book reviews: September 2013

From Ballina with love—Up up and away by Gary Faulks Inspector Metau: The Case of the Angry Councillor by Philip Fitzpatrick The Pomong U’tau of Dreams: A Collection of Bougainvillean Poetry by Leonard Fong...


Book Reviews: June 2013

Twixt Semites and swastikas: Temlett Conibeer’s greatest challenge by ACT Marke A Seeker in Papua The Journal of a Young Missionary May 1923-January 1926 Iris Pederick and Phillip Pope (Eds) Twixt Semites and swastikas:...


Book reviews: March 2013

Mangroves, Coconuts and Frangipani: The Story of Rabaul by Neville Threlfall Porton: A Deadly Trap by Audrey Davidson and Battle Survivors Mangroves, Coconuts and Frangipani: The Story of Rabaul by Neville Threlfall ISBN 978-0-646-58310-5...


Book reviews: December 2012

The Flight of the Galkope by Kela Kapkora Sil Bolkin Hell’s battlefield: The Australians in New Guinea in World War II by Phillip Bradley The Kokoda Campaign 1942—Myth and Reality by Dr Peter Williams...


Book reviews: September 2012

Needed but not wanted: Chinese in colonial Rabaul by Peter Cahill Port Moresby: Taim bipo by Stuart Hawthorne Prisoners in Rabaul by Gordon Thomas Stitches in time by David Watters with Anna Koestenbauer Needed...


Book Reviews: June 2012

Living spirits with fixed abodes by Barry Craig Return to Paradise: Retracing lost footsteps by Jillian von Leixner Comprehending West Papua Living Spirits with Fixed Abodes: The Masterpieces Exhibition, Papua New Guinea National Museum...


Book Reviews: March 2012

It strikes me by Peter Ryan Now in Remission: A Surgical Life by Ken Clezy Pacific aircraft wrecks by Charles Darby Medicine beyond Kokoda by Dr Clive Auricht, OAM Snapshots On A Journey: Home...


Book Reviews: December 2011

It strikes me by Peter Ryan My life on Karkar by John Middleton Medicine beyond Kokoda by Dr Clive Auricht Life’s an adventure (Two volumes) by Thomas Joseph Leahy Graveyard of flying men: The...


Book Reviews: March 2011

Distrust Territory by Donald Denoon Education Officer TPNG by Neil Murray Education Officer TPNG by Neil Murray ISBN 978-0-646-54401-4 Published 2010 A4 size 247pp Mostly colour photographs Available from Neil Murray 1003/23 McLeod Street,...