How to cook scrambled eggs: Maxwell Hayes
I never thought that I would be writing about a simple little cook book. But here I am and this is a little gem. On clearing out my library I came across a long...
I never thought that I would be writing about a simple little cook book. But here I am and this is a little gem. On clearing out my library I came across a long...
I gave a show-and-tell (PowerPoint) presentation at the annual luncheon of the South Australian Branch of the PNGAA in Adelaide on 31 October. Jan Kleinig and the Adelaide organising committee asked me to convert...
In 1956, when I was a first year student at Sydney University, I invited two fellow students to see with me a recently released film Walk into Paradise. The hero was well known Australian...
In May-June this year I spent 28 days with the Collins Brothers as a paying passenger on what was billed as an ‘epic voyage’ from Kiunga on the Fly River to Wewak in East...
Graham Egan served in PNG from 1967-81 at Kerema High School, Maprik High School, Mt Hagen Technical College, Administrative College, Rabaul Secretarial College, Goroka Technical College and High School. We had been thinking about...
Jacqueline (“Jacky”) Lawes is a great granddaughter of the Reverend Dr William Lawes, of the London Missionary Society We were 32 passengers in all on two ships (the MV Miss Rankin and the Surveyor)1...
One day you’re walking down George Street in Sydney. Next day you’re stranded with a landslide on Daulo Pass on the way to Kundiawa. The stark and sudden contrast is never easy to reconcile....
Lake Kutubu has become well known for the Oil Fields and more recently the Gas Project. In 2009, I spent eight weeks there for a different reason. The village owners and operators of Tubo...
It was a beautiful Sunday morning in June 1961 and I was at Ela Beach in Port Moresby having my usual dip in the ocean and admiring the surrounding beauty (especially the two-legged female...
It seemed like a good idea at the time. The teaching staff at Hula Primary ‘T’ School reasoned that the benefits of a village cricket competition far outweighed the problems it might create. We...
Kevin came to PNG in the late 1960s as a young kiap and served in the West Sepik Province. He was a contemporary of the late Sir Barry Holloway. He left the kiap service...
A brief history preamble: 1914-1950 The Library Institute Hall on the eastern side of the Library Institute in Douglas Street had been the major centre of community social life for the residents of Port...
Rugby League has long been the pre-eminent sport in Papua New Guinea, a fact rugby union, Aussie Rules and soccer fans have just had to stomach. So it should come as no surprise to...
Dennis Bradney was educated in Sydney and Brisbane (Sydney Grammar, Sydney Technical College and Brisbane Central Technical College) and worked for several Australian architectural firms before joining Comworks Port Moresby in 1964. He later...
Reporting school sports activities in Port Moresby and from other Central Province locations was well advanced in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The South Pacific Post and then the daily Post-Courier regularly ran...