The September PNG Kundu is out now!

Decorative pots don the heads of the Imuri fire dancers of Karizokara, Bundi. Photo courtesy Cookie Piksa/Fred Cook Jnr
Another exciting issue from PNGAA has just hit the letterboxes of subscribed members. Packed full of news, events, recently published books and fascinating stories from members (and, occasionally, friends) this issue is a great read. For those in extended lockdown in various parts of Australia this will stop you climbing the walls! Our special thanks to editor, John Egerton, production designer, Jeannette Gilligan, for their tremendous efforts, and to Junior Fred Cooke for the incredible front cover photograph!
If you are not a member but would like to be? Go to HERE.
To access this edition of the on-line journal, keep scrolling down.
Also, with more time available due to Lockdown, please explore the choice of E-Books available. We have recently added “Ups and Downs of a Kiwi in Papua New Guinea” by Colin Pain. Members can access HERE