The Frances Lasker Collection – Photos by Ann Webster

Frances Lasker was born Frances Jean Hibberd on 13 July 1923 in Melbourne. She worked as a typist, stenographer and secretary prior to and during her service in the Women’s Royal Australian Air Force 1942-46. After her demobilization, she worked for a time for the Public Service in Canberra. She worked for the Department of Agriculture, Stock and Fisheries in Port Moresby in 1947. She returned to Port Moresby in 1949 where she met and married Graham Svensen. This marriage did not endure and in 1961 she married Robert (Bob) Lasker.

Note that copyright of these photographs is vested in Frances’ daughter, Anne Webster – all requests for use in publications or for any other commercial purpose should be referred to her through

Photos depict scenery, expatriate Australians and local inhabitants, predominantly in and around Port Moresby.


Worked for Burns Philp in Popondetta and Port Moresby from 1980 through 1987

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