Sydney Christmas Lunch December 2023

PNGAA Christmas Lunch, Sydney, 2 December 2023

A small but joyful group of members attended the Sydney Christmas function on 2 December 2023 at the Waterview function centre at Bicentennial Park. Being a very casual affair this year, Sara Turner was once again at the helm of leading the day. Thank you Sara – such safe hands. The fundraising from the silent auction of a quilt (lovingly supplied by Jill Worsley from Perth- thank you!) went into our funds for the six high school students we are sponsoring in the West Sepik District. We have just had a report that they have done very well this year which is so pleasing. The Muruk Quilt’, beautifully handmade and donated by WA PNGAA member Jill Worsley, is a work of art. Look at the patterns also embroidered as part of the border! The colours toned magnificently. See our September 2023 issue of our journal, PNG Kundu, for information about the students supported this past year.

Andrea Williams

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