Pt Moresby-Lae Trans-National Highway – K26m/AU$10m Project Preparation Grant

Australian Minister for Pacific and International Development the Hon Zed Seselja with PNG Prime Minister the Hon James Marape July 2021
Australian Minister for the Pacific and International Development and the Pacific, Senator the Hon Zed Seselja, is making his first trip to Papua New Guinea this week, from July 5-9 2021, since taking on the portfolio recently.
Minister Seselja, with PNG’s Deputy Prime Minister Sam Basil MP and Minister for Works Michael Nali MP, have launched a Project Preparation Grant for the Trans-National Highway.
Australia is providing a K26 million Project Preparation Grant for the Trans-National Highway which is the first priority from the Connect PNG Economic Infrastructure Development Program 2020-2040 and will connect PNG’s two largest cities, Pt Moresby and Lae.
This will cover feasibility studies, detailed designs and cost planning and procurement support for the proposed Trans-National Highway, specifically upgrades of roads from the 9 Mile to Poiyu turnoff (189km), passing through Gabensis and Timini Villages and Mumeng Station.
Minister Seselja said:
‘Australia and PNG are committed to driving economic growth through boosting business activity, Australia’s investment today supports this objective by creating jobs in industries such as construction, and connecting businesses and consumers between two major ports.’
PNG’s Deputy PM Basil said:
‘The Trans National Highway will open up access and allow land transport to travel directly between Port Moresby, Lae and to the Highlands and Momase economic regions.
We welcome our partnership with Australia to support the first land connection between PNG’s two largest cities…These upgrades will reduce the time and cost to travel and improve transport safety.’
Australia invests significantly in critical infrastructure in PNG, including investments in roads, power, telecommunications, ports, water and health and education facilities across PNG.