PNGAA Networking event in Cairns

There is PNG Networking event scheduled for Cairns as shown below. If you happen to be in the area at that time, you may find this event attractive.

  • EVENT – PNG Networking – Ex Kiaps, family & Friends
  • DATE  –  Saturday 27 July 2024
  • TIME –   Midday to 8pm
  • PLACE – Restaurant at the Yorkeys Knob Boating Club.

The Club has an overhead screen for digital slide show.   So, dig out those old photos and get them scanned and email to me.  It would be fabulous if say 25 people could provide say 2 digital images each.

The following have indicated that they will be attending if the planets line up correctly:

Arch MacArthur                                              Chris Warrillow
Dympna Leonard                                           Frank and Sushila Liebfried
Genevieve Cavanagh                                    Hugh Miller
John and Linda Blyth                                     John and Shirley Reid
Maxine Wright                                                Roger and Delores Dargie
Rosita Henry                                                  Steven Peter
Deryck Thompson                                          Tess Wade
Trevor and Terry Buising                                Warren Bartlett

This event is open to PNGAA members, ex Kiaps, family, or friends . . .

If you wish to attend, please let me know so I can get an idea of numbers and finalise tables etc.  In early July I will send around a final “likely to attend” list.

Deryck Thompson



Worked for Burns Philp in Popondetta and Port Moresby from 1980 through 1987

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