Notice of Coming 2025 AGM and committee nominations

Dear Members,

PNGAA 74th Annual General Meeting 2025

The 2025 Annual General Meeting of the Papua New Guinea Association of Australia (PNGAA) will be on Sunday, 27 April 2025. Every two years elections are held for the PNGAA Management Committee. All positions, executive and general, are automatically vacated, and a new committee is voted into office.

Nominations are due by 31 January 2025.

All committee members are volunteers and PNG enthusiasts. Management Committee meetings are normally held by email or Zoom, so physical location is not necessarily an issue, although some face-to-face contact is helpful.

Please give urgent thought to the PNGAA Management Committee and the future direction of the Association. 

For some time now, the PNGAA has needed a new President, Treasurer, Events Coordinator for the Sydney area and website assistance. Requests have gone unheeded. Nominations now needed! The PNGAA Management Committee also needs someone to take on the role of coordinating the PNGAA Collection. Both the Events and PNGAA Collection are General Committee roles.

The PNGAA needs all positions filled to operate smoothly.

Several members of the current PNGAA Management Committee have volunteered for eight or more years and would like to step back. Rotating the roles among the members helps keep the Association current and engaged.  

It helps the Association to have a range of backgrounds and skills on the committee too, so please do consider volunteering. Being a team player is important. Please don’t assume the same people will keep doing the same jobs. Voting for the management committee is an integral part of this Association. 

This is also a great opportunity for anyone wishing to contribute spare time, whilst exercising their skills, to a worthwhile and highly-regarded organisation, surrounded by a supportive team.

2025 is a significant year, being the 50th anniversary of PNG’s independence from Australia. PNGAA is looking for working groups in each state to assist with events. Please volunteer with an email to 

Nomination forms, together with further information, are available on the PNGAA website: The PNGAA > Official Business (Members Only) >Annual General Meetings >2025.      

If you cannot access this website, please contact the Secretary ( – See inside Front Cover of PNG Kundu) and ask that the forms be emailed or mailed to you.

All nominees and those nominating must be current members of the PNGAA. Nomination, seconding and acceptance can also be sent via email to

Please help your Association and send nominations in now. Nominations are due by 5:00 pm, 31 January 2025.


Worked for Burns Philp in Popondetta and Port Moresby from 1980 through 1987

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