Make a Donation/Bequest to the PNGAA
by Roy · 16/11/2020

Support the PNGAA Objectives by making a donation/bequest.
The PNGAA Objectives:
- to strengthen the civil relationship between the peoples of Australia and Papua New Guinea;
- to foster and maintain an interest in contemporary and historical – events in Papua New Guinea;
- to provide appropriate financial, material or intellectual assistance to projects of benefit to Papua New Guinea as an Association individually, or in conjunction with other agencies;
- to publish journals, magazines, newsletters, websites, books and other media to inform and educate people about Papua New Guinea and to provide a means of communication among members of the Association and others;
- to encourage the preservation of documents, historical and cultural material related to Papua New Guinea; including the production and recording of oral and written histories.
- Digitising collection material to enable world-wide discovery of the Australian/Papua New Guinean heritage.
Many choose to support these ideals simply by being a member and paying the annual subscriptions which help cover the costs of publishing our Journal. If you wish to have a greater impact by making a donation, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
You may choose from any of the following options:
- Direct Deposit
Make a transfer to the the PNGAA bank account as follows:
Account name: PNGAA
BSB: 062 009 Account: 0090 7724
Please notify “” after payment is made please.
- Credit Card Payment
You can make a credit card donation by completing the form below.
- Pay by cheque
Make the cheque payable to “Papua New Guinea Association of Australia Inc” and post to:
PO Box 250,
Kilcoy, QLD 4515
- Make a pledge
Our Individual Giving Program is one of the most popular ways to support the Papua New Guinea Association of Australia Inc. Donations of $1000 or more can be made either in a lump sum or in annual instalments over four years. These donations allow us to plan for the future, knowing we have your ongoing support.
If you would like to discuss your support or make giving arrangements directly with the PNGAA, please email
- Leave a bequest
You can make a lasting contribution to the PNGAA by making a bequest. This gift can be cash, assets or property.
To leave a bequest to the PNGAA, please quote our ABN in your Will:
ABN 35 027 362 171
Papua New Guinea Association of Australia Inc (PNGAA)
Sample wording follows:
I leave to the Papua New Guinea Association of Australia (PNGAA) the sum of $……………. / or percentage / or the whole/rest and residue of my estate (complete as appropriate) for its General Purposes (or other specified purposes).
- Donations of books or other physical items
If you have an item or collection of items which you would like to donate to the PNGAA Collection, please contact