Highland Miscellany – Photos from Siebrand Petrusma
This is a collection of photographs that may be of interest covering the visit of the Governor-General of Australia, Lord De L’isle, to Kainantu in 1964; the opening of Kagamuga Airport by Lord Louis Mountbatten in 1963; and various aviation pics including one on final approach to Wonenara in the Eastern Highlands

A photo of a Piagio P188 at Erave in the Southern Highlands. 'PIGS', as they were known by some, were always a welcome sight on outstations

The Governor General of Australia, Lord De L'isle, visiting Kainantu in 1964 - this and the next photograph shows the RAAF Dakota (DC3) taxing into the parking bay of Kainantu airstrip.

The Governor General of Australia, Lord De L'isle, visiting Kainantu in 1964 - The Vice Regal party arrives at the Kainantu Hotel in an EJ Holden, chauffeured by Sam Marshall.

The Governor-General of Australia, Lord De L'isle, visiting Kainantu in 1964 - Assistant District Commissioner Ken Connolly about to escort the Governor-General into the hotel

The Governor General of Australia, Lord De L'isle, visiting Kainantu in 1964 - outside the Kanantu Hotel

The Governor General of Australia, Lord De L'isle, visiting Kainantu in 1964 - At the Kainantu Hotel. Leading citizens meeting the Governor-General at leisure. An interesting group seated from left to right: Ted Ubank (Miner), Mrs Dean, the Governor-General, Dr Jim Dean (Director, SIL), Mrs Flierl & Rev Johannes Flierl (pioneer Lutheran Missionaries to thhe Kainantu area). Ken Connolly (standing).

The opening of Kagamuga Airport by Lord Louis Mountbatten, 1965 (Tom Ellis is sitting directly behind him).

The opening of Kagamuga Airpot by Lord Louis Mountbatten, 1965 - A contrast pic of RPNGC marching on the airport apron, with in front women in traditional garb.

The opening of Kagamuga Airpot by Lord Louis Mountbatten, 1965 - This and the next photo are two contrasting pics of women dressed in traditional garb. Love the colour!

The opening of Kagamuga Airpot by Lord Louis Mountbatten, 1965 - Highland warriors in front of the airport control tower.

This is a photo of RAAF Hercules transports visiting Kainantu in 1963 - it was a Sunday and the day of the Goroka show. There were three Hercules in the loading bay- quite a squeeze. The third was actually reversed in as the second photo will show. The spectators on the strip and in the bay must have been quite a headache for the pilot and his assistants to ensure that it would be parked safely. I remember the day clearly. While the three Hercs were parked, a DC3 came overhead with Kainantu residents who had been to the Goroka Show that day. This aircraft landed and parked on the landing strip. It was quite a day, much to the delights of people like me who loved anything to do with aviation

This is a photo of RAAF Hercules transports visiting Kainantu in 1963 - it was a Sunday and the day of the Goroka show. There were three Hercules in the loading bay- quite a squeeze. The third was actually reversed in as the second photo will show. The spectators on the strip and in the bay must have been quite a headache for the pilot and his assistants to ensure that it would be parked safely. I remember the day clearly. While the three Hercs were parked, a DC3 came overhead with Kainantu residents who had been to the Goroka Show that day. This aircraft landed and parked on the landing strip. It was quite a day, much to the delights of people like me who loved anything to do with aviation