Coastwatchers Talk in Melbourne

An Invitation is extended to all interested persons to attend a talk by Philip Selth OAM on           “The COASTWATCHERS” . . . who played a vital role in the Pacific War.

In his book “The Coast Watchers“, Eric Feldt, the Godfather of World War 2 Islands Coast Watching Service, tells us that the Coastwatchers played a significant part in determining the outcome of the war – far beyond their number and status. By necessity they conducted themselves in an unorthodox and pragmatic manner.  If the Coastwatchers had not been there, Japan would have still been defeated, but over a much longer time frame, and at a much higher cost in terms of human lives and suffering.

Where:  Hampton RSL   –   29 Holyrood Street, Hampton Victoria 3188.
When:   14 October 2017 (Saturday) 11:00  am
Cost:      $35 per person – includes nibbles and meal

Book your place Now

Philip Selth OAM, the recently retired Executive Director of the New South Wales Bar Association and CEO of the Australian Bar Association, came across the former New Guinea Patrol Officer Captain John Joseph Murphy during his writing of a biography of Eric Miller QC, whose wife was Murphy’s cousin. Eric Miller QC represented Murphy when he was court martialled on charges of treacherously giving information to the Japanese after being landed on New Britain to set up a coast watching station. 

This story led to Philip spending what little spare time he had over the past five years researching the stories of the Coastwatchers.  His research led him to have hundreds of files locked away in Archives disinterred for the first time since they were put away at the end of the war, and to trace relatives who often had little, if any, idea of what their relative had really done during the war.

In his address, Philip will tell of the story of two Coastwatchers, Jack Read and Paul Mason, of whom Admiral Halsey said that the intelligence they signaled from Bougainville had saved Guadalcanal, and Guadalcanal had saved the South Pacific.  He will also refer to the life and the case of John Murphy.  These are some of the stories that need to be told.

Please book your place on the form below.


Where:        Hampton RSL,

                        29 Holyrood Street,

                        Hampton, Victoria   3188

When:          Saturday 14th October 2017 –

                       Registration 11:00  AM

Cost:           $35 pp – includes nibbles on arrival and a two course lunch

   Free Parking

RSVP:  6 October 2017  E:


Worked for Burns Philp in Popondetta and Port Moresby from 1980 through 1987

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