Category: Political Development


Border confrontation: John Quinn

Like all good stories, this one starts “long, long ago and far, far away” The great bird island to the North of Australia dozed in the tropic seas for millennia until, in the mid-1840s,...


The DIY cadet: Graham Hardy

I was interested to read the articles in the latest Una Voce regarding the role of kiaps in pre-independence Papua New Guinea. I was especially interested in the statement that Cadet Patrol Officers were...


A nutty story: Rod Noble

PNG’s location on the Pacific Ocean’s Ring of Fire was given bad press with the death and destruction at many locations, including pre and post war Rabaul, Mt Lamington and Manum and Kairiru Island....


My first patrol: Rod Noble

Being Queensland born, when I read a Government advertisement for Patrol Officers in PNG, in the Hobart Mercury newspaper (and it was a cold winter in Hobart), I didn’t hesitate to reply. Another incentive...


PNG Posting: Rod Noble

Being Queensland born, I thought I could do with some tropical warmth when I read the advertisement in the Hobart Mercury. It was a cold winter’s day and the ad was for Patrol Officers...


Attacks on patrols: Paul Oates

A very short list of examples to illustrate the working environment of many former kiaps The correspondence on the Kainantu attacks on Burge and Brown is digitalized on the National Archives website. As many...


Independence Day reminiscences

(Published in Una Voce, September 2005)   Dave Tarrant In 1975 there were many expats leaving PNG and I was one of them. As an Industrial Relations Officer with the Dept of Labour I...



Some 2000 young Australian men served as Patrol Officers in Papua New Guinea between the end of World War Two and Papua New Guinea Independence in 1975. They were known by Papua New Guinea...


The Kiaps Compendium

Compiled and edited by Nancy Johnston   Dedicated to the memory of William James (Bill) Johnston 1 October 1924 – 12 September 2001 A Kiap of the Territory of Papua & New Guinea Bill...