Category: Political Development


Remembering kiaps: Paul Oates

Speech by Paul Oates at the National Archives of Australia Kiap History day, 20 November 2010 Senator Lundy, Maj. Gen Jeffery, High Commissioner Lepani, Director and staff of the National Archives, fellow former kiaps,...


Jimi River: Robert Blakie

In 1956 and 1957, I was posted to Minj in the Wahgi Valley of the Western Highhlands as a Patrol Officer. It was during this time that Barry Griffin was sent to establish a...


Sharing Histories: Kiap tribute event

National Archives of Australia, 20 November 2010 More than 2000 Australians served as patrol officers (Kiaps) in Papua New Guinea before the nation’s independence in 1975. Ex-Kiaps and others with an interest in Papua...


Sixty years on: Bill Brown

1952 was not an easy year for Harry West, transferred from Goroka to take over the Kainantu Sub-district, and thrust into responsibility for the road from the Highlands down to Markham valley floor. Highlanders,...


On being a kiap: Jim Sinclair

Notes for panel discussion, National Archives, Canberra, 21 November 2010. It must be emphasized that my experiences were shared by many kiaps, and were not in any way unique. I have decided to talk...


Boiled puddings: Paul Oates

When I set up a permanent Base Camp at Mindik in the middle of the Huon Peninsula in1970, I arrived with the usual Patrol gear (Kerosene stove, canvas shower bucket and a “bedsail”. The...


A career kiap’s wife: Nancy Johnston

Speech given at Sharing Histories: Kiap tribute event at the National Archives of Australia, 20 November 2010 In March 2002 Chris Viner-Smith commenced a lone campaign to have the service of Kiaps formerly recognised...