Category: Cultural insights


The journey home: Rod Noble

One day you’re walking down George Street in Sydney. Next day you’re stranded with a landslide on Daulo Pass on the way to Kundiawa. The stark and sudden contrast is never easy to reconcile....


Going back for a look: Graham Egan

Graham Egan served in PNG from 1967-81 at Kerema High School, Maprik High School, Mt Hagen Technical College, Administrative College, Rabaul Secretarial College, Goroka Technical College and High School. We had been thinking about...


The history of judo in PNG: Charles Betteridge

It was a beautiful Sunday morning in June 1961 and I was at Ela Beach in Port Moresby having my usual dip in the ocean and admiring the surrounding beauty (especially the two-legged female...


The beginnings of Rugby Union in PNG: Dennis Bradney, MBE

Dennis Bradney was educated in Sydney and Brisbane (Sydney Grammar, Sydney Technical College and Brisbane Central Technical College) and worked for several Australian architectural firms before joining Comworks Port Moresby in 1964.  He later...


Cry from the heart of an SOQ: Jim Toner

A 50-year-old piece of doggerel from the Southern Highlands. Lois Niall, daughter of District Commissioner, Horrie Niall, had just joined the Welfare Branch of Native Affairs and, in her travels around PNG, was fluttering...


New Guinea: Bernard Oberleuter

Bernard wrote this poem in 1956, when he was in Grade 6 at St Mary’s, opposite Lae Bowling Club. I know a verdant island fair With forests ferns and flowers rare Where mountains tower...