Category: Cultural insights


Aviation photographs

Dennis Gray’s contribution is a compilation of photographs taken by his Uncle, Bill Gray (circa 1935-41), his father, Charles Gray (circa 1940-41), and himself during 1969-73. It is a wonderful collection of aviation history...


PNGAA Christmas Luncheon 2016 – 4 December 2016

When: Sunday 4 December 2016 from 11.30am onwards Where: Killara Golf Club, 556 Pacific Highway, Killara, NSW Cost: $65 per person RSVP: 19 November 2016 Contact Organiser: Sara Email: Payment to PNGAA, Bank CBA; BSB...


Book review: March 2016

The Flying Kangaroo by Jim Eames The Flying Kangaroo by Jim Eames Published in November 2015 by Allen and Unwin. ISBN: 978 1 76011 355 1, Softback and eBook, 344 pages, Black and White...


Book reviews: December 2015

Crocodile Prize Anthology 2015, Eds Philip Fitzpatrick & Keith Jackson Myth + magic: art of the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea by Crispin Howarth Stone Age Moon by James O Hunter The Volcano’s Wife:...

Stone Age Moon by James O Hunter

Self-published, 2015, ISBN: 978-0-646-93973-5, Paperback, 308 pages, colour and B&W photos, maps. Available from: PO Box 591, Bowen QLD 4805, 07 47851285, Cost: AU$65 plus $15 postage within Australia, Cheque or EFT payments to: JO...


Book reviews: September 2015

2014 Crocodile Prize anthology Pictorial history of Papua New Guinea compiled by Dianne McInnes PNGVR: A History 1950-1973 by Major Bob Harvey-Hall, RFD, ED (Retd) 2014 Crocodile Prize anthology I was delighted to receive...