Events Calendar

Events Calendar

Chatswood Catch-Up

18 November 2024

Attending the latest PNGAA Catch-Up were Warren Martin, Wendy Smith, Greg Corner,  Ros & John Godlee, Steven Gagau, Peter & Lucille Stace and Roy Ranney.

It’s an informal social gathering at the Chatswood Bowling Club in Sydney which kindly offers the venue at no cost to the group.

This gathering is held once a quarter on the third Monday of the month. It is a small gathering with attendees bringing their own coffee/nibbles, so there is no cost involved nor is there an agenda.

Usually between four and ten people turn up. It is very low-key, but everyone is made welcome. If getting to the venue isn’t too onerous a drive, please consider it for 2025. Roy Ranney usually promotes the date on the PNGAA Facebook site and in newsletters.

PNGAA Sydney Christmas Gathering

8 December 2024

Thirteen PNGAA members gathered on Sunday, 8 December, at the Norths Collective (previously known as North Sydney Leagues Club). We all ordered our own meals and beverages, and I believe everyone found the venue acceptable. It offers outside parking and a multi-level undercover parking so it’s a useful venue for future occasions.

Those attending include Greg Corner, Lisa Bleijee x3, Wendy Smith, Janice Iredale, Peter and Jeanne Barr, Rod Miller, John Notley, Jane Rybarz and Roy Ranney. Thanks everyone for turning up!

Andrew Cadden

Victoria Ex-Kiap Gathering

9 November 2024

Thirty-five former kiaps with their families and friends gathered at the Victoria Hotel in Woodend to share memories of a past life in Papua New Guinea. Attendees came from all of the eastern states including Tasmania and South Australia. Several of those attending met colleagues they had not seen for decades.

The most senior kiap present was Chris Warrillow of 1959 vintage, who caught up with Max Heggen whom he had last seen on Bougainville in 1969. Deryck Thompson, Guy Jeffries and Phil Browne were on the last intake of Australian patrol officers in February 1972, and this was the first time they had met together since then. Yes, one should ask—where did those decades go!!!

Also attending was Rick Nehmy who was back in Port Moresby from December 2004 to September 2006 and sent regular articles to the journal then known as Una Voce.

Many thanks to Phil and Elza for organising another very enjoyable gathering at Woodend.

Chris Warrillow & Deryck Thompson


Worked for Burns Philp in Popondetta and Port Moresby from 1980 through 1987

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