The Bilum Story – a virtual premiere screening of the film available to 10 March 2022
Bilum & Bilas are excited to have been included in a new short film celebrating the creative economy for inclusive economic development in PNG.
For thousands of years, bilum weaving has been handed down from mothers to daughters across Papua New Guinea (PNG). It is an integral part of PNG’s cultural heritage and an important source of income for artisan women, especially those facing significant social and economic disadvantage. Yet despite bilum’s omniscient presence in PNG, its commercial and artistic value has remained relatively hidden, until recently.
This film celebrates the incredible PNG women social entrepreneurs who over 10 years ago began to shine a spotlight on bilum as a national treasure, whilst driving inclusive economic growth for women weavers. It shows just what is possible when emerging entrepreneurs have effective access to international markets, support to strengthen their supply chains and are empowered to share their creativity and culture with the world.
With the support of the Australian government through the #pngaustraliapartnership the weavers have grown to a network of over a thousand producing high quality bilum for an international fashion market. And this is just the beginning…
You are invited to watch the virtual premiere screening of the film until 10 March 2022 –
‘The Bilum Story’