Contributors’ Guidelines

Una Voce Contributors’ Guidelines
The following guidelines assist contributors in submitting articles for publication:
Una Voce welcomes true articles and anecdotal memories of various lengths (see below), from every geographical region of PNG, information about members and achievements, latest book and film information on PNG, photos, sports news and reunions. A diverse range of material is welcome.
• All contributions are subject to editorial consideration. The team also reserves the right to reduce copy and/or postpone stories to following issues subject to time and space. Every attempt will be made to represent contributors’ submissions respectfully.
• Word counts to be included with article. Articles (stories) should be around 500 to 1,500 words. Longer stories are welcome but may be split over two or more sequential issues due to space issues. A limited number of series articles may be included in each issue (i.e. 2–3 maximum). Vales should ideally be about 300–500 words; longer vales may be separated into a shorter vale and a biographical article.
• Contributions to be submitted as Word documents. Please use Arial font, size 11 for all electronic submissions. Note: PDFs and handwritten submissions will be subject to availability of volunteers to transcribe them into Word documents.
• Photographs should be submitted as JPEGs, minimum 300 dpi, with correct photographer acknowledgement and captions.
• Appropriate references are required if the article has been taken from a website or another primary source. For further reading, provide the URL for inclusion on PNGAA website.
• Articles and photos may be placed in the members’ area on the PNGAA website.
• All articles, letters and vales should be submitted to by the deadline stated in the current edition of Una Voce.
Please note that Una Voce is produced by volunteers. Whilst every attempt is made to reply in a reasonable time frame, there may be times when your patience is appreciated.

Una Voce Contributors’ Guidelines

This form is available for financial PNGAA members. Please login to contribute.