Photo Galleries

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Contributions are welcome and may be used in our quarterly journal.  Please include date (approximate is fine), names and place.  Permission to use photographs should be obtained from the authors or check with PNGAA.  Following any approval to re-use photographs, both the photographer and PNGAA need acknowledging.

Comprising a collection of nine Galleries containing a total of 471 images covering gold mining activities in the 1930's; an account, with photos, of Queen Emma and family; early photos of Rabaul and environs during the German administration by an early Methodist Missionary; the Ian Skinner Collection of historic pictures of his experiences in the Central Highlands in 1938; as well as the Francis Lasker Collection, together with a series of 'Golden Oldies' by Chris Read; Rabaul, Kokopo and Port Moresby as seen through the eyes of Andrea Williams during 2008; a series of love letters written over a hundred years ago and a selection of paintings by artist Harly Dickinson