Graham Syphers

Hello there, 

Papua New Guinea was a very different place before Independence.

A fascinating place filled with unbelievable characters and real achievers.  It had a unique history from the days when the British ran Papua and the Germans ran New Guinea. The Gold Rush era of the 20s and 30s and the Japanese invasions in WW2.

Earthquakes and torrential rain, birds that were totally unique to PNG, over 700 different languages and groups of natives, who had lived there for thousands of years, beautiful islands and coral reefs, volcanoes and 15,000 foot mountain ranges – it was different all right.

A most interesting and dangerous place to fly aircraft in.   Many airstrips (steep, rough and slippery) were over 5000 above sea level – one was at 8000 feet above sea level.

Enjoy this taste if you haven’t been there.   Those of you have have lived and worked in Papua New Guinea, take a short trip back in time and reminisce with me.

For those not in the loop, Sypho, GCS and Syphers is the one bloke – yours truly,




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