Category: Political Development


Paul Quinlivan’s Snapshots

Paul Quinlivan was sent to TPNG as a Crown Prosecutor in January 1952 to clean up a heavy backlog of criminal cases. He remained until 1983, becoming Chief Crown Prosecutor in 1957. In 1960,...


Pat Dwyer: Justice v. The Law

Sometime during 1962 I spotted a Karamui archer aiming at a chook. Good shot sir, right through the neck. ‘O, sori. Kakaruk bilong Sergeant Anki.’ Donning my police hat:  ‘You’re nicked.’ Dissuaded the Sergeant...


A family matter: Chips MacKellar

(Originally published Una Voce, March 2000, and reprinted in Tales of Papua New Guinea, page 177) Chips Mackellar was at the Ela Beach Court House for five years. He said this story would be...


Forgotten murders—Still a mystery: Jim Toner

(Published Una Voce, September 1997, Page 38) Jim Toner: Chief Clerk, District Office, Mendi 1957-59; District Office, Rabaul 1960-64; Field Manager, New Guinea Research Unit (ANU), Port Moresby 1965-73 Forty years have passed since...


On being a kiap: Jim Sinclair

Notes for panel discussion, National Archives, Canberra, 21 November 2010. It must be emphasized that my experiences were shared by many kiaps, and were not in any way unique. I have decided to talk...


Boiled puddings: Paul Oates

When I set up a permanent Base Camp at Mindik in the middle of the Huon Peninsula in1970, I arrived with the usual Patrol gear (Kerosene stove, canvas shower bucket and a “bedsail”. The...