
Zarah de la Cruz and participants of the YES program 0

My PNG Journey

Liz MacKinlay, CEO of Australian Business Volunteers My journey with Papua New Guinea is deeply intertwined with my family’s history and my own love for the country. My family has a long connection to...

Zakharov's funeral procession at Garaina 0

Matapui – Part Three

By Ekke Beinssen Parts One and Two of this article were published in previous editions of PNG Kundu. They were taken from an account written by Ekke Beinssen of a 1929 exploratory expedition to...

Matilda Rondy Hamago 0

Coffee & Women in PNG

Matilda Rondy Hamago: Senior Socio-Economist making inroads with coffee farmers Coffee is an important cash crop in Papua New Guinea (PNG), but the industry is male-dominated, and women working in the sector face many...